Monday, February 15, 2010

Something Fishy

I went to a potluck last night. There was homemade cake and other yummy hippy treats, which was not a surprise. I have become accustomed to seeing vegan cupcakes and gluten free lasagna and herb infused soda and what not. But wait, are those sardines? Weird. But something else is weird. What is it? Something is off. I feel weird. It must be because I'm getting older. Yes, that it is. Im 28 and everyone here is in their early twenties. I am old and Im going to forever be at parties where people keep getting younger and younger and I keep getting older and older until I am 80 and have a baby in my lap and we are singing if you are happy and you know it clap your hands. Hours later it started coming to me, in waves at first. Sixth grade, all over again. There were guys there. There were guys and girl there. There were guys and girls and they were talking to each other and laughing and there were board games from the 80's and Pringles. This is a coed party! Phew. I felt better. It wasn't me. And looking back, those sardines were kind of comforting in a way. They sort of seem like something I might just see at a queer party after all.

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