Thursday, August 21, 2008

Alive Tea Producing Animal In My Refridgerator

Hello alien baby in my fridge. Have we met? What, your name is Kombucha? Is that some kind of martial arts move? I am going to drink you. Maybe. Unless you attack me in my sleep and eat me first. Night night. I love you. Be nice.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Rainbows Really Exist

Day two in Seattle I look out my window (which is giant by the way. they seem to have the most gigantic windows in this city) and see this. It's not just this, either, it's a whole freaking rainbow, the whole arch, but it's so big, stretching the whole city, that I can't capture it with my camera. Woah, rainbows really do exist. It's not just something that General Mills has tricked me into believing with cute little marshmellows and a stingy little lepracon. Welcome to the big gay rainy city it screams! Ooh, this must be a good luck sign. Is it possible unicorns are also real? That would just by some frosting on my big gay cake. I go outside to get a better look at it and to see about the unicorns and find another welcome surprise on my doorstop, this little red flyer. Hmm. I rub my eyes. Is that rainbow really there? Yes, yes indeed. This is going to be an interesting little place to live.